
[볼보자동차] 채용연계형 인턴(3개월 근무 후 정규직 전환 심사)
  • 작성자


  • 작성일


  • 조회수



1) Training event planning assistant :

- Materials(contents) development & adaptation

- Training rooms and delivery timeline setup

- Training booklet, test set

- Tools, demo vehicles/parts, special tool & equipment

- Training notice : schedule/participant announcement

 2) Managing LMS (Learning Management System) assistant :

- Contents and training events administration

- 1st level support for retailors’ users

- Communication with APEC Learning and Development team and Volvo Car Corporation for technicians’ competence status

- Technicians Certification Courses (Grade 1-4) and New Car Training:

 3) Proofreading & local adaptation assistant :

- Pre-test

- Implementation

- Post-test

- Feedback process

- Certification test

- Volvo Car Apprentice Training:

4) Training & OJT planning assistant :

- Train apprentice from automotive colleges

- Trainees’ assessment


2. Job requirements

- A bachelor’s degree of mechanical/automotive engineering or the equivalent in experience (2024.08 졸업예정자)

- Intern experience in related field is plus

- Automotive system repair and diagnostics knowledge.

- Ability to be proactive, flexible, confident, professional, self-motivated, and self-directed in a fast-paced environment.

- Excellent written and verbal English communication skills.

- Excellent computer skills-Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc.


 3. Additional Information

-  급여 : 월 240만원 + a (교통비 지원 등)

- 근무지 : 경기도 평택시 포승읍

- 근무기간 : 3개월 (4월 또는 5월 중 시작), 이후 정규직 전환 심사

- 전형방법 : 서류전형 -> 면접전형(HR, 실무)

- 면접장소 : 볼보자동차코리아 본사 (서울시 강남구 위치)


 4. How to apply

- 제출서류 : 자유양식의 국영문 이력서, 국문 자기소개서, 성적증명서 (모두 word 또는 pdf)

- 면접시 재학증명서(휴학증명서), 인턴 경력 보유자에 한해 경력증명서 제출 요청 예정

- 면접은 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별통지

- 제출방법: 메일 접수(dahee.shin@volvocars.com)